Monday, January 11, 2010


I am moved by this.

He's asleep now, sprawled out on our bed in boxers and a t-shirt. He bears a clean-shaven face I and a handsome head of sandy curls.

I wanted to write you a letter. I am so inspired by your quiet snoring, the way you shuffle while you're dreaming, how you always tug a blanket over me when you think that I am sleeping.

Sweet Chris
You have given so much to me. It's only our first week together and I can tell that you are trying to take care. But know this: I see just as much compassion in the way you curl up into my lap as I do when you wash dishes, or pick up things off the floor. I adore everything about you, even your occasional clumsy stuttering. Nothing you do or so goes unnoticed by me, I see that all of your intentions are good and pure.
You are ready, we are ready.
I can see how badly you want this to work, how tenderly you tend to the flat and cater to me. You needn't try so hard, I would love you just as much if you sat as a rock on the front stoop.

This is going to be a hard transition for you. A big city, real weather, new accents... We are fluid people and can adapt well to new places. I believe you will grow here and I'll so everything in my power to make sure you are happy. We are still young, but my heart feels truly inspired by you. You are a true companion.

Sometimes I can be stingy, or use the wrong words to fight a stale argument. These are flaws that can't be cured with ease only patience and conscience. I hope that you will be as patient for me as I want to be for you. It is funny to have you in my space, I'm looking forward to moving into our own apartment with bigger windows and vertical walls. I hope I do not cramp you or make you feel like another piece of furniture. I am taking special care to make you feel happy and at home. This move is monumental, I also hope you know I understand the gravity of what you've done in support of our relationship. It is admirable, it is unbelievably noble and... honestly I can't say I've been half as genuine in my life as you have in the simple act of kissing kin goodbye and trucking it North.
Sometimes I am struck that we have really done it; we are making our way towards those weekend getaways and talk about rings and babies. Honestly I have never thought much about marriage or children or weddings. They seem so much more real now that I've found the man I want to call my husband. We needn't rush, but I find comfort that the search has ended with such a compassionate, brilliant man that I've found so much love in.

When we sat today together at the new keyboard, I was floored by you. I want to learn so much for you I'm excited by the idea of you sharing music with me. I admire how talented you are, jealous, even. Your drawings are stunning, I think they're brilliant and I can't wait to see where you go with them. I hope that you will do some pieces to share at Gallery Cabaret at the show in February. I enjoyed our evening out there so much. They were all happy to meet you and I'm pleased that you liked the bar. It is one of my favorite places to go. Unsurprisingly, your book collection is great, and I am looking forward to playing games with you on the Xbox! I'm not a big gamer but I hope you know I don't mind that you are. You like chocolate syrup for your chocolate milk, I prefer the powder, but we can work something out. And I like Vitamin D milk just fine. The puzzle will be fun, and I'm excited to play Scrabble again too, you're getting to be quite a formidable opponent...

To recover from my tangent, essentially what I wanted you to know is this: I have great respect and admiration for your sacrifice to come here and be with me. The love I have for you surpasses any words I could possibly scrabble together and write here. Although our domestic bliss may not always be blissful, I feel that we will always have love for each other and that is what is most important because that is what pulls you through in the end. I'm going to continue to work hard to make you happy, keep you satisfied and challenged, be there for you when you need support, provide for you when you need, calm you when you're anxious and curb your fears, warm you, soothe you and love you with everything I have. My heart swells knowing I can tell in your ear that I love you every morning, and whisper it to your skin while you are sleeping. I adore you.

We will have our boathouse.

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