Friday, February 5, 2010

one path

We discussed last night the paths we are on. The single route one has to experience life.

You will never be able to know or understand the life of a young boy growing up in Communist China.

In some ways it's a sad thing to think about, all of the billions of lives we will never get to experience. But the truth is this: we have this one opportunity to live our lives fully, to walk our paths far and deep, and to take advantage of the road that lies ahead. No one will never get to experience or see all of the things you will see. No one will ever know or understand the life you are living. Right now. You are the only one that knows all of the things you know, feels the pain, knows the joy, or understands the satisfaction of the path you're taking. So take it well. Live it as fully as possible, because no one else will have all of the opportunities that you do right now in this moment. Be mindful of this holy instant, because you are the sole survivor of it.

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