Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day Six & Seven

It rained like crazy on Monday. Slept in too late to go to the museums, but instead Nathan and I headed uptown and hunted for a classic New York bagel. I got a tasty homemade poppy seed bagel with raisin and walnut cream cheese. Nathan had a classic lox bagel with butter (soooo good). Definitely worth the hike. It started to rain so we stopped into a little consignment shop and I got a little souvenir for myself. Walked around Central Park in the rain and that was beautiful too. It's huge! The ponds were so pretty I wish it hadn't been so cloudy, but it was definitely worth seeing. Then, across the Brooklyn Bridge! Of course it was pouring down by that point. So all my photographs were taken under a makeshift shield I made with my camera case, but the view was stunning. Good walk too. Let's see... after that, mexican food! BEST salad ever. And $3 margaritas... Glad I didn't go for three..

And for Tuesday, the beach! Woke up around 12 and got AMAZING pastries for breakfast from this little local place. OH my gosh best danish and mini fruit tart ever haha! Drove aaaaall the way up to Rockaway beach and just relaxed. Spent 6 hours just napping in the sand and playing in the Atlantic Ocean. Beautiful day. The clouds finally came out and I had a few goodies to keep me occupied. It was a great success. Grabbed some sushi on the way back to the apartment and just vegged out watching The Office and House. Time for sleep, big day tomorrow!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day Five

Very lazy day. We stayed up late Sunday night, Nathan went out to a party and I hung out at his apartment until he got back around 3am. Music and art, music and art. Just like back in Birmingham, southern kids just love to see the sun come up. So of course I slept all freaking day Sunday, woke up around 3pm. I had plans to go to the Guggenheim but it closes at 5:45 so I wouldn't have made it in time. Nathan had a matinee performance of Guys & Dolls and got back around 7. We went out to Cheeburger Cheeburger and it was awesome! Granted, I have been to a Cheeburger Cheeburger before, but never as a vegetarian. Their veggie burgers are enormous.

Came back and watched The Good Shepherd on Nathan's giant projector. Pretty good movie. I definitely needed a day of rest, my feet are killing me..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day Four

Coney Island!!

Slept in and drove out to Long Island. Walked up and down Coney Island, got the classics: mint chocolate chip ice cream, onion rings, water bottle out of a suit case. The weather was perfect, a breezy 75. It was great to see so many people out, lots of folks dancing and playing music. By far one of my favorite games was "Shoot the Freak". This booth consisted of one man shouting over a loud speaker while children paid money to shoot paint ball guns at a live human target in a pit of junk. Very exciting.

The people watching was prime. Kids fishing for crab off of the pier and people daring their friends to jump to the water 25 feet below. The whole scene was perfect. The only way it could have possibly been better was if Chris had been there. I've missed him terribly this whole trip.

Nathan and I left Coney Island around 5 to grab some food at an Italian eatery in a strip mall. Then, to the show. He picked up this gig last week playing piano for a show. I decided to tag along, he said he needed help turning pages so I figured it would be an adventure. Little did I know, I would be spending the next 4 hours in the basement of a Jewish community center with no air conditioning, watching a hodgepodge crew of teenagers and seniors perform the musical Guys & Dolls. Not really sure what to say about all that. But, overall, it was a pretty quirky way to spend a Saturday night.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day Three

Very successful day!! My first day wondering around on my own and I made it to Manhattan and back without getting lost. Very proud of myself!

After sleeping in very late today (it was a miracle I got up at all after last night's adventure) I left Nathan's place on my own around 5. Took the E train to Manhattan and walked over to MoMA. Oh my GOD it was fantastic! It's free on Fridays from 4pm-8pm, so I had to rush myself a bit, but it was worth it. Crowded as hell though. Oh gosh I can't even begin to explain how incredible it was to see some of those pieces in person. I won't make any attempt to transcend the cliches of an art student in a modern museum, but it was just like the history books. Every corner, another priceless piece. I was taken aback to see how many people didn't even realize the pieces they were ignoring. I was floored. Still am. I stayed late and wondered off to Central Park around 8:30.

For fear of the weight I did not carry my slr downtown with me, I did however drain the battery on my phone taking pictures at MoMA. I wandered along the southeast side of Central Park and it was absolutely beautiful. I will wait until day time to travel through it, but from what I understand it's a neat place to get lost in. Stumbled into this little diner called Viand. BEST egg sandwich I've ever had in my life. The people were friendly and funny too. Very much enjoyed that dinner. Then I just strolled down 5th Avenue and peeked into shops until I eventually found my way back to the 5th/53rd train stop. Made it straight home! Good day. And holy crap am I tired.

Day Two

Oh my God.

I don't even know where to begin.

Started off laid back. Nathan and I walked over to a little Thai restaurant around the corner called Thai Pot. Delicious! Then we trekked up to Manhattan on the F line and saw Times Square. It was pretty nuts, very bright and busy... We stopped into Pop Tarts World where they had strange, foreign menu items like "PopTart Sushi" and the "Grape Jamwich". I was not so bold. Nathan and I got one toasted ice cream sunday pop tart to share. They asked us if we wanted extra frosting... or toppings. It was all too much.

Next, M&M World and Hershey World. Too many Worlds.

Killed some time at a bar called Fat Cat where Nathan and I played Scrabble and listened to some incredible jazz music. Of course, I utterly destroyed him, and he was a little bitter about it the rest of the evening. Fat Cat was really neat. Underground club, $3 to get in, pool, ping-pong, shuffle board, chess scrabble... Jazz 24/7. After that, we made our way out to some random girl's birthday party at one of that most incredible Indian Restaurants I've ever been to: Panna.

The food was unbelievable and the company was fantastic even though neither Nathan nor myself knew anyone there. We had a fabulous time. That's where we met our new friends Ibanda and Joe. After the party had ended, a few people went to go get body parts pierced. Ibanda, Joe, Aaron, Nathan and I stood around waiting until we realized we could just go on to another bar. So we hopped across the street and had a beer. We also played a deer hunting game. I was pretty good at it, which I believe I can credit to my "How to Set an Open Gun Sight " article a few months back. After the excitement of rifling down digital deer subsided, we stepped outside and saw a Karaoke bar. Someone pointed out "We're not drunk enough to do karaoke yet..." to which Nathan responded "Let's walk over to Continental. They have 5 shots for $10". So we did.

Within 10 minutes we were all belting "Baby Got Back". A lot happened that I can't explain.

More photographs at http://www.flickr.com/photos/tothegunwales/sets/72157624718040138/

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day One


It's almost 2am here in NYC. Finally made it after my 21 hour train ride from Chicago... Not sure exactly what I expected, but it was overall a pretty pleasant ride. Sleeping in the coach car was only awkward because I was in a chair next to a stranger in a room with two dozen other strangers... Met a few really kind people though, a girl from Switzerland that game me lots of candy and some nice old folks that I sat in with for lunch. They were both alone so I kinda scooted in with them---not unlike getting assigned seats in the lunchroom. The ride through Pennsylvania and Northern New York was beautiful though, most of the ride was right alongside the Hudson River.

Stepped out of the train station and the Empire State Building was right there---half the size of the Sear's Tower (errr Willis Tower). Got a soda and hopped on another train. Thank Frank Nathan was there I would have ended up God knows where on that system... Dropped off my stuff at his place (which is enormous and quite lovely), got some $1 slices of pizza, and then, of course, bar hopping!
Don't ask me how I did it I'm totally f@*#ing exhausted.
We met up with a few of Nathan's friends at Sweet & Vicious and then another place across the street. Nice people! Nice bars... good time. Met this one guy Austin that's got a "Key to the City" (You can check that out here: (http://creativetime.org/programs/archive/2010/keytothecity). Now, I am very tired. I'll post more pictures on my Flickr account (http://www.flickr.com/photos/tothegunwales) throughout the week.